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About Us


The South Central Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO is an umbrella organization consisting of 100 Private and Public Sector Unions representing tens of thousands of workers in 11 Counties within South Central and South Western Wisconsin.  We work with non-profits, unions, governmental agencies, elected officials, university & college systems, job training organizations, apprenticeship programs, cooperatives, and businesses in order to achieve economic and social justice for all workers and their families within our shared communities. 



Kevin Gundlach, President


Issy Bilek, Organizer


Sharon Manor, Executive Assistant



SCFL Executive Board


President:  Kevin Gundlach, AFSCME Local 705

Vice President:  Tim Sullivan, SMART Local 565

Recording Secretary:  Joan Grosse, DALU Local 24111

Financial Secretary-Treasurer:  Sarah Przybylski, OPEIU Local 39

Sergeant-at-Arms:  Shane Gibson, IBEW Local 159

Trustee:  Adam Gifford, Painters (IUPAT) Local 802

Trustee:  Victoria Gutierrez, SEIU Wisconsin

Trustee:  Shelle Michalak, IBEW Local 2304

Dodge Chapter Representative:  John Goebel, Machinists (IAMAW) Local 2053


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